Terms & Conditions Saveduit Bank Jateng • Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024

Public Terms & Conditions

Saveduit x Borobudur Marathon 2024

A. Requirements

  1. Participants are registrants/participants in Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024 through My Borobudur Marathon app, and have completed the following steps:
    a) Complete runner’s personal data and registration form for each event program that will be join
    b) My Borobudur Marathon Participants receive Saveduit number/payment code via email/ My Borobudur Marathon app notification
    c) Continue the Saveduit number/payment code transaction process via Bima Mobile/Bank Jateng ATM by first having a Bima Savings account at Bank Jateng.
  2. Transaction process with Saveduit number/payment code can only be done by Bank Jateng Bima Umum Savings customers.
  3. Participants who are Bank Jateng customers have an ATM BPD Card (any type) and or Bima Mobile.
  4. Participants who are Bank Jateng customers have a minimum fund balance for each activity list down below:
    Borobudur Marathon 2024 (Marathon Category)Rp 2.675.000,-
    Borobudur Marathon 2024 (Half Marathon Category)Rp 2.575.000,-
    Borobudur Marathon 2024 (10K Category)Rp 2.375.000,-
  5. Balance of funds in the account that will be accommodated for each category in the main event of the Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024 :
    a. Marathon category IDR 2.675.000 (two million and six hundred seventy five thousand rupiah);
    b. Half Marathon category IDR 2.575.000 (two million and five hundred seventy five thousand rupiah);
    c. 10K category IDR 2.375.000 (two million and three hundred seventy five thousand rupiah);
    as fund that will be locked and returned when the time period ends.
  6. Runners are customers who can reach Bank Jateng service offices in Central Java, Yogyakarta and Jakarta areas.

B. Term & Conditions

Customer hereby has read, understood, and consciously agrees to the following terms and conditions:

  1. 1 (one) account is only valid for 1 (one) runner to be able to get 1 (one) category for Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024;
  2. Participants must complete transactions through Bank Jateng ATMs, and or Bima Mobile application, and consciously carry out Saveduit transaction/lock up balances in Bank Jateng accounts.
  3. By complete transactions on Bank Jateng channel (Bank Jateng ATM /Bima Mobile), the customer consciously instructs the bank to:
    • Lock a balance with a varied nominal amount of IDR 2,675,000 or ; IDR 2,575,000 or ; IDR 2,375,000 in personal account according to the provisions with the agreed period of 12 (twelve) months for the main race of Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024.

    Balances that have been locked cannot be transferred or withdrawn until the lock period ends. Locked balances will be subject to savings administration fees in accordance with the product and service terms and conditions.

  4. Balances that have been locked can only be checked through Customer Service at Bank Jateng office.
  5. Costumers has agreed that their personal data can be used by Bank Jateng as customer/ prospective customer data for Bank Jateng and accounts that have made transactions will get savings product services in accordance with the provisions of Bank Jateng service products.Disclaimer : All user personal information and other account information is confidentiality kept by Bank Jateng in accordance with applicable legal provisions in Indonesia and the Bank’s internal policies.
  6. Customer consciously recognizes the blocked account number as a blocked/locked savings account, and cannot sue Bank Jateng for blocking transactions that have been carried out through Bank Jateng ATMs, and or Bank Jateng transaction channels.
  7. If before the end of the locked balance period, the account owner withdraws funds or withdraws funds from locked balance in part or in full amount, then the customer will be fined IDR 1,000,000 /per runner for Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024 program. And at the same time authorize Bank Jateng to debit the account in the amount of the fine determined by Bank Jateng.
  8. Customer who has completed the lock up transaction has agreed to the program terms and conditions.
  9. For further information and/or complaints, please contact Bank Jateng call center at call center number 14066.
  10. If the organizer of Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2024 event cannot be carried out due to Government regulations or because force majeure conditions have not ended and if Borobudur Marathon committee agrees to refund all runner registration fees that have been obtained, then Bank Jateng will waive fines for account holders who have done a lock-up.

C. Saveduit Transaction

  1. Bank Jateng ATM
    1. Insert the BPD Card into the Bank Jateng ATM machine;
    2. Select the “Purchase” menu;
    3. Select the “More” menu;
    4. Enter the Borobudur Marathon purchase menu; Select “Continue”;
    5. Enter the Saveduit Number into billing code column, and select “correct”
    6. Transaction in Process
    7. Pay attention to the nominal and the details of the request
    8. Select “Pay”;
    9. Transaction receipt issued successfully received;
    10. Done
    11. Your balance lock has been successful;
  2. Bima Mobile
    1. Login to Bima Mobile;
    2. Select the Buy Pay menu;
    3. Select the “Saveduit” menu;
    4. Enter the “Saveduit Number” in the “ID Billing”;
    5. Select “Continue”;
    6. Pay attention to the nominal and details of the request;
    7. Select “Continue”;
    8. Enter MPIN;
    9. Transaction receipt issued successfully received;
    10. Done;
    11. Your balance lock has been successful.

D. Confirm Blocked Status

  1. Through Customer Service,
    by coming to the nearest Bank Jateng office with a savings book and BPD card
  2. Through Bima Mobile
    a. By capturing the screen of the successful Saveduit transaction receipt that has been done as proof of a successful transaction.
    b. By opening the ‘notification’ icon (bell icon) on the home screen, then selecting ‘inbox’, and finding the transaction list “Saveduit purchases”. Then the transaction receipt will appear again.